Thursday, February 27, 2014

Social Networking Skills

    My school has become very big on using Google Apps for Education the past few years. Our SBTS has done a really good job of getting the staff and students educated on the affordances of GAE. Recently there has been a lot of discussion about the using of Google Plus feature on our GAE accounts. Once the Google Plus feature has been enabled teachers can then bring people into the classroom via Google Hangouts. We are always trying to find ways of bringing in outside mentors to talk with our students and enabling Google Plus will make this a possibility in a virtual sense. We have been cautioned that using a social media network like Google Plus has its downfalls. We are entering a virtual world that isn't protected by our county. We have to be smart about what we say and what we post on our Google Plus site. 
    I personally think this type of Social Networking is a wonderful way of showing students the appropriate way to use these types of sites. I think teachers should show students how we can use the sites for educational purposes and finding information. It also gives teachers the opportunity to highlight the importance of being responsible when using these sites. We can talk about how posting pictures of comments may turn someone away from wanting to connect with me because my profile is offensive or inappropriate. It would also be good to show students how connected everyone is and that when you post something, everyone can see it. I realize teachers have a lot to teach students these days and adding social networking responsibility is just another thing we have to do, but I feel like it is very important. We have so many useless skills we teach students that they will never use (obsoledge), but being responsible on the internet is a skill that needs to be taught. Modeling appropriate usage with explicit teaching will help students form healthy and safe internet usage skills.


  1. It's really interesting to read about the way your school has been using the different features of Google Apps for Education. I think the thing you mentioned that's most important is that there was a commitment to getting everyone educated about what the tools are and the different ways they can be used. It's definitely linking living and learning in showing your students (and your teachers) what's out there and how to use it correctly and safely.

  2. Stephanie,

    I agree with your statement that teachers have so many responsibilities and things to teach students and it would be another thing to add to the already long list of things we don't have time to teach them, but I also believe it is important to teach them about using the internet responsibly, especially social networking sites. I think if we found a way to teach them about it while incorporating it into the curriculum by weaving it into academic subjects, they would be more interested in those subjects and teachers could kill two birds with one stones. I know that is easier said than done, but it would probably be the only way to do it.

    I like that your school is using the Google Apps for Education. We use it at my school as well but just for the teachers (as far as I know). I hope in the future we can start using it with our students. I really think the educational value is there, but we have to think it through carefully before exposing the students to it.

  3. I agree with you, Stephanie that rather than shy away form using social networking in classrooms because of some of the negative connotations that can sometimes be associated with them, they should spend more time finding new ways to implement them to show students how they can be used for educational purposes, which in many ways are just responsible ways to communicate with others and retrieve new information--something that most people do every day and an important skill they will someday need. If we don't start to incorporate this use of technology in school, how else will they even know what other possibilities and opportunities it can afford that don't have just a social aspect. :)
